1. The deity, Ku, rwho] divides ch'ang. It is said
[in respect of] the deity, Ku: Favourable (?) to invade and
attack; it is permissible to assault walled cities; it is
permissible to assemble the multitudes (of the people); to hold
meetings with the Rulers of States [with the aim] to regulate (?)
the Hundred [administrative] Affairs, and to punish the
2. The deity, Yu, [who] superintends Winter. It is
said [in respect of] the deity, Yu: ...... [text missing]
3. The deity, Ch'u, [who] is below. It is said [in
respect of] the deity, Ch'u: (If) swallows should then arrive one
may not .... (= verb?), .. (= verb?) the jade (?) son [and?] the
.... son - [there will be] evil; .... .... northern military
expedition, the leadership will have disaster; military .... ....
(= verb?) their ..
4. The deity, Yu, [who] .... military. It is said
[in respect of] the deity, Yu: One may despatch troops; [if] ....
(= verb?) towns, it is not permissible to .... (= verb?); if one
selects male and female menials one should not then acquire [any
that are] ungrateful (?)-
5. The deity, Ping [who] superintends Spring. It is
said [in respect of] the deity Ping: ...... [text missing]
6. The deity, Yu, ch'u-ju. It is said [in respect
of] the deity, Yu: It is not permissible to engage in affairs of
major importance; Shao Hao .... (particle) .... (= verb?) Chu
Lung .... (particle) .... (= verb?) ch'u-~u on behalf of country
.... .
7. The deity, Kao, [who] despatches (?) .... . It
is said [in respect of] the deity, Kao: .... lead (troops) ....
obtain (?) with t e ( if) one does not see the moon in ....
.... , it will not be permissible to make offerings - sacrifices
[will result in] evil (outcome); [if] one takes .... .... act as
male and female menials.
8. The deity, Ch'ieh, [who] superintends Summer. It
is said [in respect of] the deity, Ch'ieh: It is not permissible
to despatch troops; (if) .... (= verb?) troops they will not
return .... (particle) .... . .... (particle) return as far as
their great .... , it will not be permissible to make offerings.
9. The deity, Hsiang, [who] .... obtains. It is
said [in respect of] the deity, Hsiang: It is not permissible to
go on tours of inspection (?), .... [= if this should be
attempted?] great unhappiness (will fall) upon the State; it
would be necessary to .... (= verb?) upon (those) above and
10. The deity, Chuang, [who] .... .... . It is said
[in respect of] the deity, Chuang: It is not permissible to ....
(= verb?) house; it is not permissible to .... (= verb?) troops
(?), [if] .... (= verb?) [they] will not return and their State
.... (= verb?) great disorder - ch'u-ju evil.
11. The deity, Hsuan, [who] superintends Autumn. It
is said rin respect of] the deity, Hsuan: It is not permissible
to .... .....(= verb?) .. [text missing], .... .... .... ....
.... thence .......... [text missing] evil ....... calamity .
12. The deity, Yang, [who] .... righteousness. It
is said [in respect of] the deity, Yang: (If) there is no .... (=
verb?) affairs, it is permissible ...... [text missing] .... ....
.... the unrighteous (particle) return (?) ...... [text missing